Videoshoot with Werehaus January 30, 2018 13:29

This past Friday, Cukui had its first official videoshoot with Werehaus, a new media production based out of San Francisco lead by two brothers Austin and Brian Chu. We took instant notice by their impressive online portfolio and with a few exchanges of emails and then phone calls, we were already brainstorming ideas over Thai iced teas and yellow curry along University Ave.

One month later, Werehaus began to film at Humble Beginnings Tattoo Shop in San Jose getting footage of the boys hanging out at the shop and doing some ink work. Despite the rain, we then took a cruise around the neighborhood with the wife’s ’51 Chevy truck, Bubbles. Lastly, we headed over to Cukui to get scenes of the store and to get some commentary from Orly: “This was the stressful part..the dreaded interview,… i was so mentally drained that my verbal skills were nill, so i asked them to leave me with the mic and let me record on my own. It was sort of a therapy session, telling the loves and stresses of owning a retail store.”

Much thanks to the Werehaus Crew for hooking it up! We’re definitely excited about the video and can’t wait to share it with the Cukui fam.
Trailer coming soon, folks!

For more info about Werehaus: